International Admission

for undergraduate and postgraduate students

Find out how to apply

The selection and administration process in the admission of students at UMK is assisted by the Office of International Affairs (OIA). Use the guides in the links provided below to help you through the application process to become a UMK student.

Need help?

If you have any questions or difficulties in preparing the required documents to meet the entry requirements, please contact our staff at the Office of International Affairs by email: #emailoiaumk. We will guide you through the admission process.

Visa & Immigration

As an international student planning to study within Indonesia territory you should apply for a visa after receiving a Letter of Acceptance from Universitas Indonesia. Please note that before applying for a visa, u have to get a study permit issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia.


In order to strengthen the internationalization UII and actively involve in international activities, UII established the Office of International Affairs (Kantor Urusan Internasional), with the roles as followed: (1) assessing and implementing international cooperation intensively with abroad partner university, (2) providing student services for international students in area of immigration issues, campus orientation, academic advice from their arrival to departure date, (3) assisting lectures and students of UII who are participating collaborative program with abroad partner university, and (4) providing services and advices for foreign lectures and researches who will be affiliate or collaborate with UII.

Office of International Affairs (OIA)

Gondangmanis Bae Kudus Jawa Tengah - Indonesia, 59327

Telp. +62291-438229

Fax. +62291-437198

Why Study in UMK ?

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